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Welcome to The Band-Aide Effect!

Each week, I’ll bring you value and lessons that can be passed along for generations on how to care for and heal your body, and to share about lesser known healing modalities.

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The Band-Aide Effect is for those that are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

It's for those that are seeking answers to their wellness and exhausted of the status quo of our current healthcare system. It's for those that prefer to search for the root cause in order to achieve real and lasting results once and for all.

In this show, I'll share my story and the hurdles that I've gone through from an early age and what led me to become a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner. I'll also share about holistic and time-honored rituals and practices that I've learned over the years, and how I've implemented those very same habits in my own life.


The Power Of Fasting

We keep hearing about intermittent fasting all over social media, but do you really know what fasting is and how it works for the body? In this episode I go over what fasting is and who it's good for. I'll be sharing how fasting can work to your benefit when it comes to aging in reverse and I'll also share tips on how to dip your toes into the fasting waters.

A Pill For Every ill

Join me on today's episode where I share my thoughts on why I believe conventional health practices are failing us and our children and how our toxic world is poisoning us. I share what I've seen over the years during my own time of working in emergency medicine and why I know we can do better.

Welcome to episode 1 – an overview

If you are like me and can't get enough of natural sciences, combined with holistic wellness and anti-aging practices, then I'd love for you to follow my Instagram page where I love sharing my passion for ancient wellness practices that I have made a part of my daily life. I'll also share with you the actual science of natural medicine and the value it can bring to you or a loved one's life that is in need of support and healing.

I believe in this space so much because I have done the actual work to heal and rebuild my own mind and body. It is from my personal experiences that I can bring to you the power of what a healing journey can look like. And whether you're listening to me here on this podcast, or on social media, my hope for you is that you leave feeling empowered about your health. It is only when we take back control of our bodies and minds that we can begin to truly heal.

Sharing lessons on how to heal and care for your body every week.